Kathmandu: Moroccan film ‘Ghost of Spacetime’ directed by Karim Tajout has won the award for best short film and Burkina Foso’s film ‘I of the Storm’ directed by Sekou Traori has won the award for best film at the 10th Nepal Africa Film Festival 2022. The three-day festival is over with the award. Similarly, Krishna Chaulagain’s film ‘Aina’ has won the award for best short film and Madhab Raj Kharel’s film ‘Kuineto’ has won the award for best film. From Kuineto, actor Shridev Bhattarai has won the jury award and Jeevan Parajuli has won the best cinematographer award. In the festival, Krishna won the Best Director Award for Critics from the short film Aina and Bhupendra Adhikari won the Best Editor Award from Aina. Rishi Raj Acharya won the award for best director from the short film Rise. From Rise Short Film, Gajit Bisht won the Best Actor Award, Sarita Bharti won the Best Actress Award, Tulasi Prasad Shrestha won the Best Villain Award and Rina Awale won the Best Hairstyl...