Mr. Madhab Raj Kharel, who has stepped on to Nepali theater through inscription and direction of a drama titled “Janachetana” in the year 1998 A.D., has established himself as a pioneer producer and director by producing and directing tele-serials “Kasto Yo Jiwan” and “Kashur” in the year and 2002-2003 A.D. Mr. Kharel, who has been working as a successful and renowned tele film, music video, documentary director by establishing a movie producing company named “Shree Media Search and Movie Maker Pvt. Ltd.” in the year 2008 A.D., has also stepped on to Nepali movie industry as a director through a silent movie named “Dhunge Yug” and he has also won Best Director award in Box Office Film Fare Award, Blockbuster Film Award and D-Cine Award from the very same movie.
Mr. Madhab Raj Kharel, who has produced and directed 2 dozen plus documentary from 2010-2014 namely Gadhimai, Gantabya Kusheshwor, Yatra Sefoksundo, Nepal Yatra, etc, and music videos in the same number, has also scripted and directed many programs broadcast ed in Nepal Television, S.T.V., News24, etc. Mr. Kharel, who objectives of exploring art, culture, tradition and language of far western region of Nepal, has scripted and directed a movie “Kuineto” in the year 2014 A.D. He has also scripted and directed love story based movie “Birano Maya” in the year 2016 2015 and research based movie “Dhunge Yug 2 (In search of human civilization)” in the year 2016 A.D. Mr. Kharel has also lunched novel “Durgamandu” as movie in the market. This is the novel which has exposed and challenged malfunction, misconduct and superstition like Chhaupadi system, single woman, Bokshi (witch) system and other sort of social weakness existing in Far Western Region of Nepal.
Epic Nepal Music Award |
Mr. Kharel, who has gained popularity in the field of movie, literature, journalism, etc, is also active in social works. Initiator of activities against the children and women harassment Mr. Kharel has also shown his activeness in rehabilitation and giving justice to the victims and penalizing defaulters. List of work accomplished by Ms. Kamala Kumarti Joshi and Honors and Awards she earned:
| Honour Program with 1st Presedent of Nepal Mr. Ram Bharan Yadhav |
Sagarmatha Music Award. |
| Honour Program with 1st vice -presedent of Nepal Mr. Pramanada Jha |
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